Since 3 Feb 2003


Text Box: Szico VII’s





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Copyright Szico VIIÓ 2003

Since 3 Feb 2003

Text Box: Affiliates


Heaven’s Cloud


Zero Pixel


Gamer’s Prime


Punk’s Final Fantasy


Timesplitters 2 Unleashed


Game Gods

Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy I
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X




























Text Box: Old Updates

19/3/2004 – Firstly, let me say that UT2004 IS AWESOME!!! Secondly, my forums are now the ONLY place for mp3 requests to me taken. So if you want to post a request, register and do so. Thanks!

22/02/2004 – Well, what do you know? My first update for 2004. So It’s a bit late, but what the heck J.Well, I am making a midgar level for Jedi Academy and Unreal Tournament 2004. Any ideas or features from FF7 Midgar city should be e-mailed to As for mp3’s. I am NOT taking requests at the moment. Expect them to be done in March, when I will reopen requests. Finally. Please don’t download more than 2 songs a day or the server will stop from too much bandwidth.

Anyone who owns Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Academy can help to support this site by going HERE and voting for my map. It’s called Darkforces Streets v2. Thanks again! You may need to register, but don’t worry, its free!

12/11/2003 – I have finally got an mp3 which required various emails to establish the song which this dude wanted. It’s up now, but for all future reference, could people please only download 2 a day maximum, and try and give me the proper name of the song i.e in FF7 the boss theme is called Still More Fighting.  For any requests this would really help. Thanks!

Also, one of the two FF8 mp3 requests is up – FF8 Galbadia Garden.mp3
12/11/2003 – Hopefully I’ll be getting a webhost for Christmas, which will sort out any bandwidth problems and make navigation easier. I’m planning a site overhaul as well. My new domain name will be, but its not there yet. I’lll keep you updated

12/11/2003 – Soul Caluibur 2 MP3 added on request.

10/11/2003 – I have the new mp3’s up and ready for download. Sorry for the wait. Please join the forums! Requests will be processed much faster there! I have also got rid of the tk banner, thanks to kyle!

17/10/2003 – I’m really sorry about the lack of updates, theres a new thing in my life called GCSE and various coursework. I admit I nearly forgot about this site. But now im back. If you had any mp3 requests you wanted, can you post them again please? Oh yeah, I only post game music. Anything else is lower priority, and if I get it I will e-mail whoever asks for it and give it to them there.

31/7/2003 – What can I say? I’ve recently uploaded some mp3s as usual, oh yeah weve got some forums for the site, the Game Area forums. Please visit them!

13/7/2003 – I’ve got some more final fantasy mp3’s up, and theres a TS2 Death/Failure song coming later on today.

7/8/2003 – A few new mp3’s up due to requests although I’ve had a few people requesting songs which are already up so could you please check before asking? Also fixed walkthrough links.

30/7/2003 – 60th mp3 is up and its kinda a landmark for me ^-^ Szico VII ^-^

18/7/2003 - FFX section up, most of the sections are complete, the rest will be done tomorrow. Then its finishing off time for the FF7 section, and that last mp3 which hasn’t been uploaded yet. Oh I’m looking for sumbody to help out, it would mean access to my server e.t.c, just send me an email and I’ll see.

13/7/2003 – Been in France for a week, and come back to find the most mp3 requests I’ve ever had. Typical really. Anyway, I’ve got them listed in the mp3 section, and they will become unhighlighted once I get them up. Oh, make sure you listen to FFX – Sprouting. I only realised how good this was when I just got it.

20/6/2003 – Got rid of the mp3 password as it was a load of crap – just press the link and you can get to em now – guestbook is not important anyway.

14/6/2003 – Another Request, I think it was from The Land before Time or something like that.

30/5/2003 – Wild West mp3 added, had a couple of requests for it.

24/5/2003 – FF7 Limit Breaks section completed added, new TS2 mp3 and FF7 mp3’s. Still no luck with bkground music, maybe I’ll just give up. Keep sending any requests! I take everything!

15/5/2003 -  RPG Maker is down, the site got deleted by Tripod. So I wont have it anymore. If anybody really wants it back I could try, but it’ll take more than one person.

12/5/2003 – New mp3 uploaded, but background music still pisses me about. Hmm, what should I add next? More mp3, but the FF7 section needs a big update. Coming within the next week or so.

24/4/2003 – I have going to try and add background music. It was a disaster last time, but I think I can do it right this time. Oh yeah, theres a load more mp3s coming in the next week or so, including TS2 – Mexican Mission, and FF7 – Prelude.

24/4/2003 – I have a new site, Punk’s Final Fantasy. Feel free to visit it!

22/4/2003 -  I have got RPG Maker 2003 up for download for a limited time, in English as well! Because the whole file is like 28MB I have to host it on another site and here is the link. Click here for RPG Maker 2003 English! 

“Szico VII’s Place” is not Affiliated with Sony™ or Endorsed by Sony™. No part of this website may be reproduced without consent from the owner. All content excluding mp3 is property of Szico VII’s Place unless otherwise noted. Final Fantasy, and any materials related to it are © Squaresoft. The MP3 were ripped directly from CD, and were not taken from Qs Lab, or any other site.Time Splitters II and any materials related to it are © EIDOS Interactive. “Szico VII’s Place is not responsible for what it's staff does. The Little Mermaid and its songs are all by ©Disney 1992
(Internet Explore 5.0 +/ Windows 98+/ 800x600/ 32bit Szico VII’s Place Feb 2003 - May 2003 )